Over the past three years we’ve been working to establish a pen pal letter program that connects African kids with students in the United States. Pen pal letters are a great way to build understanding and friendship and they mean a lot to the children who receive them. They’re also a fun way to improve writing skills.
We started with university students in 2009 and slowly expanded it to include kids as young as eight. In 2012 we’ll be working to connect 20 fourth graders in Galveston, Texas with students at the St. Philips Primary School in Nairobi, Kenya.
The first group of 2011 letters was sent to St. Philips in November and the replies should reach us in February. When they do, we’ll take them to fourth graders at the Ambassador Preparatory Academy in Galveston, Texas.
Just how important are the letters? Hear what the kids have to say about the program in a video they produced with help from their teacher, Mr. Lowie Paz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaefzEt43f0&feature=fvsr
Want to become a pen pal? Send a letter to www.africanchildrenshaven.org. Tell us about yourself – describe your daily life and tell us where you are from and what you do and what you like to do.
You can also help by contributing funds, providing supplies and by volunteering to carry letters. Let us know how you’d like to participate. Thanks!